
Turkey: Why has the construction cost increased?

Why has the construction cost increased?

Why has the construction cost increased? Turkey has experienced a dramatic rise in construction costs over the past months. There are many reasons for these increases. The main reason is that there is now a high rate of inflation in the country, which is cause for concern. The price of energy has risen due to unprecedented volatility in FX and the war between Russia, Ukraine. These...

Property prices in Alanya have increased

Property prices in Alanya have increased

Property prices in Alanya have increased The local demand for properties boosted the growth of property prices in Alanya during the first half 2022. Despite the recent rise in property prices, there is still a shortage of land suitable for housing. Developers have taken over old buildings to build new ones. This has led to an increase in property prices. Developers also have to choose...

Are Chinese People willing to Invest in Turkey's Real Estate

Are Chinese People willing to Invest in Turkey’s Real Estate?

Are Chinese People willing to Invest in Turkey's Real Estate? Are Chinese People willing to Invest in Turkey's Real Estate? The question is: Would Chinese invest in Turkey's real estate? Turkey has a developing economy and its real-estate market is still in development. It does have a wide range of properties available for sale, including luxury properties and fully furnished...

Covid in Turkey - Alanya Property Brand


COVID IN TURKEY How Covid 19 opened up new ways for property purchasing Covid in Turkey as it has everywhere in the World forced us to change our normalcy along with new regulations in many aspects of life; therefore, real estate property purchasing was naturally among one of them. The coronavirus, also known as, Covid-19 pandemic made buying and selling a home process complicated in the first...

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